About me
I am a worship teacher in a private Christian school. We have a Worship Foundations class that HS students take for a year before coming into the Worship Arts class. The Worship Arts class is responsible for leading 3 chapels with 3 separate teams every Friday - Lower School team, Junior High team, High School team. We run a full tech team with audio engineers, live stream engineers, lighting tech, and camera tech. We plan chapels with our Spiritual Life Director and the students in class. We are currently using Churchfront Ministries' School of Worship Training for the first time this year. We have started a Senior leadership team that tackles tough topics and wrestles with our song canon, our core songs, and more. Tech-wise we are using ProPresenter, Worship Tools, Worship Planning, Light Key, Yamaha SQ6, Allen and Heath GLD80, Professional Grade cameras (hand-me-downs), OBS,and more.
I am also the Worship Director at a small church. We run one service, have a small volunteer worship and tech team. We do all of the techy things listed above except for lighting. We are just beginning to add a little bit for special services. Besides teaching the Worship Arts Class and being a part-time Worship Director, I am also a full time band teacher at Cornerstone. I lead a busy life and would love to add margin to my overall planning for services and juggling all of the administrative work that goes into running all the different programs. God has called me to both jobs and I'm in it until He leads me elsewhere!